
Some Crazy Days in Iraq

As many of you know, my sister, Jeannie is serving our country in Iraq. She's been there since October and hopefully will be home this May! Here are a few pictures she's sent us.
Here is everyone during the Commander's Call.

This is Jeannie will all of her gear on.

This is the group she trained with in Wisconsin before she left.

A sandstorm...

And, a beautiful sunset...

Here's the soccer field where Suddam Hussein murdered his whole Soccer Team for loosing...

Jeannie "won" a trip in a Black Hawk helicopter! I would be a little scared, but she was so excited!

Here she is with some of her new friends...

Feel free to leave Jeannie a message in the comments. She has access to this blog. Everyone over there needs our thoughts and prayers.


Arlene said...

Hey my Jean Bean!!!! Like the pics girly. I'm happy to see that ur enjoying it (at least it looks like it) :) I miss u and stay safe hunny. Got the address by the way and Ill put something together for you. Love ya, mwaaa!

brandyd said...

Jeannie Weannie I miss you!!!! Email me your address brandyndixon@yahoo.com
You lucky dog you got to go on a Black Hawk...My new number is 757-232-1317 call me if you can.. so I can go to cosco and send you a bunch of stuff.. Luv you
You look so cute in the pics!!!

Steve said...

Nice pics from over in Iraq.
I can't send enough thanks to your sister for all she's doing. May God be with her and bring her home safely. She will be in my prayers.